The Spirit of Higher Consciousness Now

Welcome! Yoga Meditation has been graced to us by the Masters and Sages for the purpose of speeding up human evolution. We are all brothers and sisters on the path of Self-Realization - the exciting journey of Self-discovery. It is my sincere hope that what I share with you can be helpful on this journey.


In the realm of the mind, three afflictions reside, Kama, Krodha, Lobha – in darkness they hide, Born of desire, passion’s fiery embrace, They weave their illusions, a treacherous chase. Kama, the first, desires uncontrolled, A thirst for pleasures, a tale so old, Chained to cravings, seeking endless gain, Lost in the mirage, true peace


We’re starting a new year and a lot of people are making their new year resolutions such as losing weight, eating healthier or making more money. Others strive for better relationships, less stress or more happiness. Still others, resolve to increase their spiritual practice in whatever form it might be, in order to attain to


By Rudra Shivananda How often are we faced with a situation where we are called upon to decide between the lesser of two choices that both have negative consequences? We often wish that we can just stop and not to choose and do nothing at all.  Sometimes the consequences are minor while other times, even


By Rudra Shivananda There are diverse reasons for seekers to pursue a spiritual path – some are striving for liberation from pain and suffering, others are seeking knowledge of their their true nature and reason for being, and yet others want freedom from death and to achieve immortality. Of course, it may be reasoned that


By Rudra Shivananda What are your hands doing when you are trying to meditate? When a seeker enters the stream and take a path of spiritual insight, he or she will pay a lot of attention to the sitting position and body posture. However, not much attention is paid initially to the position of the


By Rudra Shivananda A few days ago, we commemorated the life of a great leader for the freedom movement. Martin Luther King took up the mantle of Mahatma Gandhi and became a beacon of light not only for black Americans but for people all over the world. We need not discuss his heroic application of