

By Rudra Shivananda Every four years, a large part of the world takes time out of their busy lives to cheer on the athletes that have made it into the Olympic Games.  Four years ago, we watched the spectacle of the opening ceremony in Beijing, China and it was indeed awe-inspiring. The beauty and scale


By Rudra Shivananda The 2nd energy center or swadhisthana chakra is the center for attraction and aversions. We are attracted to certain things and people and have an aversion for others. The specifics are governed by our present and past karmic patterns – our urges and compulsions. The 2nd center is responsible for the instinct


By Rudra Shivananda The spiritual path is long an arduous and has many pitfalls and obstacles. We are often befuddled by our delusions and fall prey to illusions, thinking a true path is false or that we have achieved something when we have not. Why does this happen? It is because of our karmic tendencies


By Rudra Shivananda Mantra Yoga is that discipline by means of which one can attain Self-realization through the repetition of sounds or words that bridge the gap between our normal consciousness and super-conscious states of awareness. It said to be a powerful and effective means especially during the eras when the average human consciousness is


By Rudra Shivananda Too often I hear from sincere seekers that they are trying their best and putting in persistent effort but nothing seems to be happening with their meditation. It gets very boring and they are tempted to give up. Doubts arise that maybe the meditation is not right for them or maybe they